Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kose medicated sekisho whitening mask

heard much rave on this mask to be able to pull out blackheads and even whiteheads. tried it 2 times but both times it dissapointed me...

The first time, i applied only onto a small area with clog pores and wait for 20mins for it to dry and then i put out. its not painful at all maybe because i only applied onto a small area. but nothing came out. The 2nd time, i applied onto my nose as the blackheads there should be easier to pull out. however, honestly speaking, i dont really see much blackheads on the mask when i peeled off... its a decent and convenient mask as it can 'pull' out your impurities on the whole face unlike the usual biore pore pack which is suppose to use only for the nose. i have been looking for this kind of peel of mask(for whole face) for sometime. in a way its much more convenient to use compare to biore pore pack which is only for the nose...however, results wise, biore pore pack win hands down. i can see lots of heads on the pore pack each time i peel off and its cheap. this mask is no where cheap and nothing much came out from my nose.

Few years ago when i was living in taipei, i found another similar mask name 粉刺mp3. Its a white mask instead of black and its the best bh removal mask ive met so far! Still using faithfully after so many years! Will review about it later!

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